
"blockchain puts Uber out of a job and let the taxi drivers work with the customer directly"

ðŸŠĶ Overview

Exhume means buying other people's tombstone permissionlessly, it also has a literal meaning: digging graves/tombs.

Permissionless means you can buy it without consent or agreement, as long as you pay the necessary price.

🧠 Exhume Benefit

Exhume allows buyer to inherit the incarnation associated with the tombstone and take advantage of all collateral benefits by having the tombstone.

  • Owning the tombstone = Owner of the incarnation pool

  • Entitled to Jackpot (Being a pool owner)

  • Entitled to Hourly Airdrop (Being a pool owner)

🊙 Exhume Cost

Buying incarnation requires a certain cost in the form of $DEGEN + NATIVE TOKEN, cost formula are differentiated under different scenarios.

First time a tombstone is being exhumed (Expand to see formula)

cost_exhume = [(ticket_fee + bnb_spent) * 2] + (seasonal_tvl * 0.1)

Note: Check seasonal_tvl at leaderboard, switch to Season

Every other time a tombstone is being exhumed (Expand to see formula)

cost_exhume = (last_trade_price * 1.4) + (seasonal_tvl * 0.1)

Note: Check seasonal_tvl at leaderboard, switch to Season

ðŸ“Ļ Purchase Income Allocation

Purchase income by exhume does not get entirely allocated to tombstone seller. Creators of a frequently traded tombstone can get passive income on a constant basis.

e.g. If someone spend X NATIVE TOKEN and Y $DEGEN to exhume a tomestone, here's the allocation --

Notes: All specific percentages are not final, we will update all numerical value as soon as they are available

ðŸĨ„ Shovels

Shovel is now added to the reward list of game-play.

By chance, players will be rewarded with a shovel (max 1 shovel per game), shovel reward (if any) will appear on players' game status page upon finishing the game.

â™Ī Shovel Utility

Shovel has discount utility towards exhume, and will have more utilities and fun mechanisms in the future. Currently the shovel each has a 5% discount. After-discount exhume cost can be summarized to:

First time a tombstone is being exhumed (Expand to see formula)

cost_exhume = {[(ticket_fee + bnb_spent) * 2] + (seasonal_tvl * 0.1)} * 0.95

Every other time a tombstone is being exhumed (Expand to see formula)

cost_exhume = {(last_trade_price * 1.4) + (seasonal_tvl * 0.1)} * 0.95

Last updated